Seasonal Living: Connecting with Nature’s Rhythms
One of the things we seem to have lost completely track of on our way to this modern society, is nature’s rhythms and seasonal living. Most of us have been conditioned to believe that we live our life in a straight line from point A to point B and that eternal growth is the way it’s supposed to be. But nothing could be further from the natural reality. Because, as we know, the natural world is all about cycles and rhythms and patterns. And since we ourselves are nature, it could benefit us greatly to return to nature’s rhythms. What is Seasonal Living? Seasonal living, dear reader, is the art…
My Word for the Year: Regeneration
I am still in my wintering mode, dear reader. I’m writing this from my soft couch, blanketed in a warm duvet, contemplating lighting a fire in the fireplace later. It’s a dark and cold winter up here in Norway. The snow is piling up, and all citizens are implored to stay at home and only drive if it’s absolutely necessary. It’s a perfect time to get some deep rest, and I aim to embrace seasonal living, so I haven’t even made my vision board for 2024 yet. But I have been contemplating my word for the year. But first: What is a word for the year? Choosing a word for…