Holistic Wealth

My Holistic Wealth Game Plan for 2025

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It’s a whole new year, dear reader, and that comes with new possibilities and opportunities to create a better life for the future. And this year, I will be focusing on creating my holistic wealth to a much greater degree than what I’ve done in the past.

A few years ago, I discovered that I’d be able to buy stocks and invest in funds even though I lived well below the poverty line, and that was a game changer for me. All of a sudden, my spending habits and ability to stick to a budget started to actually matter. I could finally see some hope sparkling in the distance.

And now, my finances are stable and well tweaked. Every krone is counted for once it gets in to my account, and I already do some investing every month.

But in 2025, I plan to get even more intentional about it.

As my life is basically on hold as long as I need to go the clinic for dialysis three times a week, I’m choosing to see this period of my life as a wonderful opportunity to save up some money and let the compound interest work for me.

You see, if you’re new to this: Your money is making more money simply by existing if you put them in the right place. And then, the money you are making, will also keep making money by simply existing if you let them stay in there. And this goes on indefinitely.

I really wish someone had explained this to me earlier. But growing up in the 70s and 80s, we didn’t have the internet, and the bank was something you physically had to go to and get in line in to withdraw what you thought you needed to get groceries. Investing was not something ordinary people did, we were merely consumers.

But times have changed. Oh my, how the times have changed.

You can buy stocks by the flick of your wrist now, it’s all there on your smartphone.

I am quite happy with my portfolio already, as it’s well divided between the Norwegian and the international market, and between commodities and industries. And it’s also divided between the future I think is coming and the future I’m hoping for and wanting to cocreate. Sadly, they are not the same.

I have also started investing in silver coins, as they tend to keep a stable value in uncertain times. You can’t underestimate that.

What I’m looking for this year, is to make more money to invest, while I’m really unable to work in a traditional sense. And this is what I’ll be doing this year:

#1: Sell my used books and other items, and keep bying silver for the money

#2: Explore more ways to save money on the food and gasoline budget

#3: Explore more ways to make money online, trough this blog and my social media accounts

And this is where the holistic part of my wealth game plan for 2025 comes in to play. It will be really nice to clean up my apartment and get rid of the stale energy of things I no longer use or even like to look at anymore. Exchanging my mess for more money to invest is a really, really good idea in so many ways.

Saving money on my food and gasoline budget is also a more holistic way to live, as I will have to plan my meals and grocery shopping much better than I do at the moment. Yes, I’ve been ill (really really ill), and yes, I will have to go easy on myself with this one, but there is so much potential in this both financially and for my health.

And then, there is the possibility of making money online. I will not stress about this. I will not make it into something that steals away my peace of mind or my time to go on long forest walks or do Yin Yoga on my wool mat. Instead, I will keep it as a fun and relaxing thing to do, because I love writing and always have.

The money I’m not investing into stocks, funds and silver, will keep getting divided into my own sinking funds. I have a bank account each for clothing and accessories, vacations, health expenses, fun money, and just about every other department of my life.

But perhaps most importantly this year: I will be investing in my health and my own home gym. I recently quit my gym membership, and those payments will be relocated into a savings account so that I’ll be able to get my own gym equipment instead. The gym I went to only once in 2024 cost me about 49 dollars a month, and that really had to go. At least, my own home gym will be mine forever once I’ve paid for it!

I already have my own yin yoga equipment, but this is what I’ll be saving up for:

Walking pad treadmill

This will fit nicely into my apartment, and it will be used by both me and my daughter on rainy days. A bit expensive, but it does beat paying for a gym membership you never use for years.

Adjustable hand weights

I like the color and the fact that it’s adjustable. That means it’s space saving and easy to organize after you’ve used it.

Yoga circle wheel

Flexibility is alpha and omega, and this wheel is just the thing I need for my back!

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